
Policies: Public Sector

Our public services are paid for and valued by us all. The faster our economy grows by having lower, simpler taxes, the more money there is to invest in public services. With reform, they can work better, faster, and more efficiently. There is far too much waste and not enough ambition.

The vast and growing mountain of daft, unproductive regulations that hinder small businesses and restrict growth are all part of the same problem in the public sector — lacking in common sense. They go hand in hand with the wasteful spending.


Reform Our Public Services: Law & Order


We must adopt a zero tolerance approach to crime and antisocial behaviour. This starts at the ground level. Common sense dictates more police on the streets will help prevent crime and help catch criminals. Increase police numbers in the community, with officers on the beat, engaging with the local people. Ensure there is more visible policing with a focus on combating violent crime, robbery and...

Reform Our Public Services: Health


The NHS is possibly the most loved healthcare system in the world. Being free at the point of delivery is at its core and must always continue. The frontline care is normally amazing, dedicated, and always appreciated. But we have to be honest that in the back office, it is neither the most efficient nor the best managed system in the world. Let’s be ambitious: we should aim for zero waiting...

Reform Our Public Services: Education


On Education, let’s invest more wisely in young people: university students are being ripped off with high fees often for just online learning. Many degree courses could be done in 2 years not 3 years, which would save students many thousands of pounds. We would scrap interest rates on student loans and extend the capital repayment period, which will improve the debt recovery rate. We would...

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